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    A Mother Had 3 Virgin Daughters

    A Mother had 3 virgin daughters. They were all getting married within a few weeks of each other. But Mom was a bit worried about how their sex life would get started. So she made them all promise to send a postcard from their honeymoons with a few words on how marital procreation felt. The […] More

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    A Little Boy Hears The Word

    A little boy hears the word wh****rehouse in school and asks his father what it means. His father is quite shocked, and replies: “Well, uh… you go there to… have a good time.” The boy starts screaming and hollering that he wants to go there too, but his father insists that he`s too young. Saturday […] More

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    All The Organs Of The Body Were Having A Meeting

    All the organs of the body were having a meeting, trying to decide who was the one in charge…… “I should be in charge,” said the brain , “Because I run all the body’s systems, so without me nothing would happen.” “I should be in charge,” said the blood , “Because I circulate oxygen all […] More

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    The Husband Comes Home With A Scratch On His Chest

    The husband comes home and worried because he has a scratch on his chest caused by a fingernail from his mistress, opens the door seeing the cat asleep on the couch, gives him a tremendous kick. The cat “screams” a loud meow and runs out the door. The wife comes in the living room and […] More

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    Last Year A Guy Took His Blonde Girl Friend To The Superbowl

    They had great seats right behind their team’s bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked it. “Oh, I really liked it,” she replied, “especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn’t understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents.” Dumbfounded, her boyfriend asked, “What do […] More

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    The Older Man Boasts To The Doctor

    A 92 year old man went to the doctor for his annual check-up. The doctor asked the man how he was feeling, and the 92 year old said, “Things are great, and I’ve never felt better!” “I now have a 20 year old bride who is pregnant with my child.” “What do you think about […] More

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    A Guy Comes Home Completely Drunk One Night

    A guy comes home completely drunk after visiting the Golden Saloon A guy comes home completely drunk one night. He lurches through the door and is met by his scowling wife, who is most definitely not happy. “Where the heck have you been all night?” she demands. “At this new bar,” he says. “The Golden […] More

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    A Wife Called The Phone Company

    A Kansas farmwife called the local phone company to report her telephone failed to ring when her friends called and that on a few occasions, When it did ring, her dog always moaned right before the phone rang. The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady. He […] More

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    This One Is $50,000 Dollars

    An old man walks into a jewelry store with a young blonde lady The clerk immediately thinks he is being taken advantage of due to the age difference. She says to the clerk “Show me an expensive ring.” The clerk looks over at the old man and he gives a head nod. The clerk pulls […] More

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    80 Year Old Lady Goes For A Birthday Drink

    A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink she says, “I’m on this cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday and it’s today…” The bartender says, “Well since it’s your birthday, I’ll buy you a drink. In fact, […] More

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    A Jealous Husband

    A jealous husband hired a private detective to check on the movements of his wife. The husband wanted more than a written report; he wanted video of his wife’s activities. A week later, the detective returned with a video. They sat down together to watch it. Although the quality was less than professional, the man […] More

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    A Wife Went To Doctor

    A wife from Montana had an appointment with her doctor to ask for advice on how to treat her husband’s lack of sex drive. “Have you tried Viagra?” the doctor asked. “Not a chance,” the lady replied, “He doesn’t even take aspirin.” “Not a problem,” the doctor replied, “Just give him some Montana Viagra.” “What’s […] More

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